
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Assessment

Please see Covid section for changes in treatment types due to Covid-19

In addition to a complete Subjective History and Assessment, your Objective Assessment may include the following:

    • Advanced clinical examination of mobility and stability the joints of the spine and limbs by manual ( hands on ) techniques.
    • Assessments of general mobility and walking / running gait, balance, posture and agility.
    • Assessment of motor control and strength and muscle function.
    • Assessments of function and mobility of your nervous system and fascial system.
    • Palpatory examination of the soft tissues ( I.e. Muscles, ligaments, fascia etc)

Assessment of breathing mechanics as it relates to your symptoms and physical functioning. We are one of very few clinics that have a capnograph for use in this assessment and re-training.

Connect Therapy Assessment and treatment as indicated.


orthopaedic physiotherapy treatment

Your individualized physiotherapy treatment may include:

    • Joint mobilization or manipulation techniques to restore joint movement and decrease pain.
    • Soft tissue / fascial mobilization techniques to restore mobility and function of soft tissues.
    • Muscle re-education and training for proper motor control.
    • Dry needling or acupuncture as an adjunct treatment only, usually used to decrease muscle tone to allow easier restoration of normal joint ROM / mobility.
    • Therapeutic exercises specifically chosen to address the deficiencies found in the above-mentioned systems.
    • Taping.
    • Education / home program to train you to independently maintain improvements in the areas that were deemed deficient.
    • Breathing mechanics retraining (with a capnograph)  as it pertains to orthopaedic function.
    • Connect Therapy Techniques as indicated



We accept payment via cash, debit or credit card only after each visit. We are unable to process private insurance, but upon payment, you will be given your receipt which you can choose to submit to your insurance company.



Initial Onsite / Virtual Assessment & Treatment 1 hour = $130.

Return Visits:      30 min 1 on 1 with PT = $65

1 hour  1 on 1 with PT  in clinic   =$130.

Please note that as of October 1, 2020. our fees for 30 minute physio treatment will be $70.00, our 60 minute initial assessment / treatment and hourly rate will be $140.00 

Home Outdoor Physiotherapy @ rate of $160.00 / hour


Call For An Appointment

(226) 221-9966

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